New Zion Church History
 New Zion is a Bible believing church and would have it no other way!
Church History

   In the year of 1883, a small band of people assembled and decided to organize a church. They had previously worshiped with the Millstone Baptist Church.
     On September 5, 1883, the Trustees, Deacons Milton Easley, Jim Hendricks and others purchased a half-acre plot of land containing an old building that had been a tobacco factory. There they held services for several years, under the leadership of their first pastor, the Rev. Reed Coleman. Later material was purchased, workmen secured and the first church was erected.
     After the church was built, Rev. Charles Coleman was elected as the second pastor. In the early 1900’s, the Rev. W.H. Crawley was elected as the third pastor. Rev. Johnson was the fourth pastor. It was during his pastorate that New Zion suffered her first tragedy. A fire of unknown origin destroyed it. As in the days of Nehemiah, the people had a mind to work and in the year of 1908 the wall s again went up. 
     The fifth pastor was Rev. J. C. Banks. He had great success, which lasted until the return of Rev. Crawley to the County of Halifax. He was once more called to pastor New Zion, which he accepted. His entire tenure was forty years. He died in 1932 and the Rev. Albert Younger was elected as Pastor. He served until his death in July, 1937. 
     The Rev. H. C. Barksdale was pastor number eight. He served as long as his health allowed. In July of 1942, Rev. E.G. Williams accepted the call as pastor number nine. It was during his tenure of service that New Zion again was destroyed this time by lightening, on July 31, 1947. Once again the people united their forces and forcibly demonstrated their oneness of spirit during the next six years. In May of 1948, the dedication services were held during March 27-29, 1953 and pre-services to the Mortgage Burning, which was held on Sunday March 31st.  Rev. E. G. Williams resigned in July of 1959 after seventeen year of service, and from October of 1959 through January of 1961 New Zion was without a pastor. Rev. Joseph B. Simon became the pastor number 10, his tenure of service lasted ten years from 1961-1971.
     In June 1971, Rev. E. G. Williams return New Zion as pastor number eleven. He served until his death on December 9, 1987. New Zion was without a pastor until the Rev. Willie Nelson Yancey was elected 1989. During these years of pastor coming and going, there were always supporters. We honor all our great patricians who have served this church over the years. It took an almighty God and the Membership plus friends for the New Zion to survive these one hundred twenty-five years. Nobody told us that the road would be easy. We don’t believe God has brought us this far to leave us.  Surely this is the Lord’s House for He has chosen and sanctified this place, the New Zion Baptist Church that His name may be there forever; and His eyes and His heart will be here perpetually. 
Name of Persons Who Have Serve
Past Deacons: Milton Easley, Jim Hendricks, James Leigh, Vincent Jones, Walker Womack, Charlie Younger, Robert Rone, Sr., Willie Palmer, Sonny Smith, Mack Logan, Hannibal Tucker, Henry Tucker, William Womack, Josephus Petty, John Petty, Robert Rone, Jr., Henry Powell, Hampton Logan, Frank Tucker, James Coles, Irvin Womack, David Hendricks, Lewis Muse, Herbert Logan, Jack Muse, Randolph Petty, Leslie Logan, and Chester Framer. Past Trustees: Milton Easley, Jim Hendricks, Ethan Hendricks, Hannibal Tucker, Josephus Petty,  James Coles, Harold Foster, James Chandler, James Goodman, Phil Edmunds, Charles Easley, Louis Muse, Therman Easley, and Willie Tucker, Jack Muse, William Logan, Leslie Logan, Chester Farmer, and Randolph Petty, Donald Muse;
Past Secretaries: Charles Younger-Idean Younger; Henry Powell; Mattie Chappell; Annie P. Venable; Lenell F. Powell; Annie Powell; Christine Edmunds; Maxine Barksdale; Lou F. Bailey; Madeline Muse, Janice Powell and there maybe others.
The Present Officers 
    Pastor: Rev Willie N. Yancey, the Deacons ministry: Royal Medley (Chairman) Andrew Gomes, Willie H. Easley, Eugene Logan,  John Ragsdale, , Jesse Rone, James Sutphin, Rodney Moorman, and Bernard Barksdale.  The Trustees Ministry:  Andrew Gomes, Anna Rome, Tracey Powell. Brenda Medley, Deborah Walton. The Church clerk is Brenda Medley. 

To God Be the Glory for the great things He has done!

Recreation Center
God is with Us
designed with Homestead
Rev. J.B. Simon
Rev. E.G. Williams.
Dea. J. Petty
Sis. Alease Petty
Dea. Frank Tucker
Dea. Perline Tucker
Rev. W.H. Crawley
Dea. Hamptom Logan
Sis. Ardellia Logan
Dea. Miltom Easley
Dea. James Cole
Sis. Luster W. Cole
Bro. Edward Bailey
Sis. Idean Younger
Bro. C W. Logan
Dea. David Hendricks
Dea. Lewis Muse
Dea. Robert Rome
Dea. Herbert Logan
Sis. Annie Powell
Sis. Maxine Barksdale
Dea. William Womack, Sr.
Sis. Rita Edmonds
Sis. Elizabeth Reed
Dea. Annie Venable
Sis. Evelyn Womack
Sis. Lenell Sydnor
All Rights Reserved by New Zion Missionary Baptist Church
  Web Sites Design: Pastor Willie N. Yancey
Sis. Lenell Powell
Dea. Madeline Muse
Sis. Hatties Trent
Bro. Michel Powell
Bro. Harrison Reed
Sis. Pauline Reed
Sis. Christine Olds
Bro. Willie H. Easley
Bro.Willie Tucker
Sis.Janie Sutphin
Sis. Vernessa Anderson
Bro. James Easley
Sis. Sharon D. Sutphin
Sis. Lilly Mae Tucker
Sis. Aline Martin
Dea. Jack Muse
Sis. Alice Womack
Sis Julia Powell
Dea.. Mattie Logan
Sis. Shirley Marshall
Dea.. Mary Logan
Dea. Joan Gomes
Sis. Bettie Jordan 
Sis. Myrtle Easley
Sis. Thelma Edmonds
Sis. Minnie Logan
Bro. Jim Hendricks
Dea. William Logan
Sis. Annie Howard
Dea. Doris Petty
Sis. Inez Hartridge
Sis. Fannie Bailey
Rev. Willie Muse
Bro. Ulysses Reed
Sis. Jesse Johnson
Dea. Randolph Petty
Geraldine Davis
Bro. Ditrius Medley
Bro. Hendricks F. Coles
Sis. Shirley A, Barbour
Dea. Lena Logan
Bro. Earl C. Powell
Sis. Rachel Edmonds
Dea. Chester Farmer
Dea. Leslie B. Logan
Usher: Edie  Reeds
Bro. Donald J. Muse