Church Ministries
New Zion is a Bible believing church and would have it no other way!

Pastor Aid Ministry
Pastor Aid Auxiliary Ministry believes that the Pastor's Visions must be aided and supported for the growth and prosperity of the overall ministries of the church. The Pastor’s Aid primary goal is to show appreciation for the Pastor’s leadership and spiritual guidance in the Church. Other functions of the ministry are to support the pastor spiritually, financially, and emotionally through a variety of fund-raisers, activities, and services.

 Music Ministry
designed with Homestead
The Usher Ministry
The Usher Ministry serves as doorkeeper in the house of the Lord. Yea though I meet with unpleasant conditions, I must keep smile, for I must enter into the Lord presence with thanksgiving and into His courts with praise. At the door I meets with strangers, performs door-keep, a forerunner, or one who walk before persons of rank serving people with a pure heart, clean hands, and a breath that will not be offensive to those I welcome into the house of the Lord.  
Deacon Ministry
The Deacons are also a Biblically provided office within the church. Their qualifications are outlined in 1 Timothy 3, following those of the bishop or pastor. Almost certainly they first appear in Scripture in Acts 6:1-8. Deacons are to be godly men of good reputation, full of the Holy Spirit and wisdom. The word deacon means "servant," and by their relationship to the pastor, as described in 1 Timothy 3. They are second officers of the church and are assistants to the pastor. Deacons are helpers in the administration of church in caring or the temporal needs of the members of the church. Some of their duties are to visit the sick, carry communion to the sick-shut-in, oversee any building projects along with the trustees, and to treat all member with the up-most respect and diligence. 

​Deaconess Ministry
The deaconess ministry became a regular feature of church’s organization as early as the first part of the second century. In the early centuries, deaconesses were especially called on to serve women in situations where custom forbade the ministry of the deacon. Deaconesses instructed female candidates for church membership, ministered to women who were sick and instructed young ladies in the church on decent and proper clothing. Through the years deaconesses have been assigned various types of educational, charitable, and social service work in their churches and communities. 

New Zion Missionary Circle
Jesus's commission to the whole body of believers, and His own identification of His mission as He accepted His responsibility became the foundation stones for a commitment on the part of each believing Christian to continue God's mission in the world today! The whole body of the church of Jesus Christ is included in the mission. This means that all of us in the church—children, youth, men, and women—have a responsibility to share the Good News of God's love with one another and with the whole world in all the ways.
Assistant Associate Minister
Rev. J. Marshall Brown & His Wife.
All Rights Reserved by New Zion Missionary Baptist Church
  Web Sites Design: Pastor Willie N. Yancey
The Christian faith is a singing faith in a very unique sense. Christ puts into our hearts a joy that overflows beyond words and actions into melody. Music should be a vital part of every Christian gathering. It should constitute a real portion of our testimony, our praise, and our worship. It should exercise a major impact on the spiritual life and ministry of the church. Speak to one another with psalms, hymns and spiritual songs. Sing and make music in your heart to the Lord, always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ (Eph 5:19).

Assistant Associate Minister
Rev. Samuel Younger